Participations à des congrès et colloques internationaux (149)

  1. 89. Frauenfelder, U. H., Goldman, J., & Content, A. (1996). Recognizing words from mismatching sensory inputs: lexical activation mechanisms in TRACE. Paper session presented at AMLaP Conference - Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing (2: 1996: Torino).
  2. 90. Peereman, R., & Content, A. (1996). Orthographic and phonological neighborhoods in naming French words and pseudowords. Paper session presented at Abstracts of the Psychonomic Society (Chicago, USA).
  3. 91. Content, A., Lange, M., & Peereman, R. (1995). Sequential Components in visual word recognition. Paper session presented at 36th annual meeting of the Psychonomics Society (Los Angeles (USA)).
  4. 92. Content, A., Lange, M., & Peereman, R. (1995). What is serial in visual word recognition. Paper session presented at Eight Conference of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology (Rome (Italie)).
  5. 93. Content, A. (1995). Apprentissage implicite des régularités dans les correspondances écrit-oral. Paper session presented at Séminaire (June 1995: Université de Borgogne, Dijon).
  6. 94. Content, A., & Peereman, R. (1994). La reconnaissance des mots écrits: dissociations observées et dissociations simulées. Paper session presented at 10èmes rencontres de Neuropsychologie du Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois (Lausanne (Suisse)).
  7. 95. Content, A., & Mandiaux, C. (1994). Utilisation des analogies en début d'apprentissage de la lecture. Paper session presented at Journée d'étude de la Belgian Psychological Society (May 1994: Liège).
  8. 96. Content, A., & Sternon, P. (1993). Au-delà du traitement des mots isolés: une approche computationnelle. Paper session presented at Journée d'étude de Psycholinguistique Genève-Neuchâtel (Genève).
  9. 97. Content, A., & Peereman, R. (1993). Adaptive modulations in the naming task. Paper session presented at 34th annual meeting of the Psychonomic society. En collaboration avec Ronald Peereman (Washington, D.C. (USA)).
  10. 98. Content, A., & Peereman, R. (1993). Pre-readers implicitly encode regularities in print-sound mapping. Paper session presented at Sixth Conference of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology (Elsinore (Danemark)).
  11. 99. Content, A., & Peereman, R. (1993). Two or three routes from print to sound? Adaptive modulations in the naming task. Paper session presented at International Conference on the Psychology of Language and Communication (August 1993: Glasgow, Scotland).
  12. 100. Content, A. (1993). L'approche connexionniste en psychologie du langage. Paper session presented at Séminaire de Psychologie cognitive et Expérimentale (March 1993: Genève).

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