  • Profiling of Robusta coffee (Coffea canephora) genotypes in the Democratic Republic of the Congo using untargeted metabolomic analysis on green and roasted coffee
Auteur:Bollen, Robrecht; Rojo Poveda, Olga; Stoffelen, Piet; Vandelook, Filip; Stévigny, Caroline; Delporte, Cédric; Souard, Florence; Verleysen, Lauren; Honnay, Olivier; Mavar, Hélène; Ndezu Angirio, Rachel
Informations sur la publication:ASIC (Association for the Science and Information on Coffee) (28th: 28/06/2021-1/07/2021: Montpellier)
Statut de publication:Publié, 2022-06-30
Sujet CREF:Sciences bio-médicales et agricoles