Rapports de recherche, comptes rendus, lettres à l'éditeur, working papers (67)

  1. 18. Ginsburgh, V., & Leruth, L. (2017). The Rise and Fall of Castrati. (ECARES Working Papers No ECARES 2017-15).
  2. 19. Shikhman, V., Nesterov, Y., & Ginsburgh, V. (2017). Power Method Tâtonnements for Cobb-Douglas Economies. (ECARES Working Papers No ECARES 2017-09).
  3. 20. Ginsburgh, V., & Moreno-Ternero, J. D. (2017). Compensation Schemes for learning a Lingua Franca in the European Union. (ECARES Working Papers No ECARES 2017-07).
  4. 21. Ginsburgh, V., Moreno-Ternero, J. D., & Weber, S. (2016). Ranking Languages in European Union. (ECARES Working Papers No ECARES 2016-29).
  5. 22. Gergaud, O., Ginsburgh, V., & Livat, F. (2016). Looking Good and Looking Smart. (ECARES Working Papers No ECARES 2016-28).
  6. 23. Ginsburgh, V. (2016). On Judging Art and Wine. (ECARES Working Papers No ECARES 2016-21).
  7. 24. Bond, N., & Ginsburgh, V. (2016). Language and Emotion. (ECARES Working Papers No ECARES 2016-22).
  8. 25. Ginsburgh, V., & Weber, S. (2016). Linguistic Distances and Ethno-Linguistic Fractionalisation and Disenfranchisement Indices. (ECARES Working Papers No ECARES 2016-25).
  9. 26. Cleeremans, A., Ginsburgh, V., Klein, O., & Noury, A. G. (2016). What's in a Name ? The Effect of an Artist's Name on Aesthetic Judgements. (ECARES Working Papers No ECARES 2016-23).
  10. 27. Gergaud, O., & Ginsburgh, V. (2016). Evaluating the Economic Effects of Cultural Events. (ECARES Working Papers No ECARES 2016-24).
  11. 28. Demuynck, T., De Rock, B., & Ginsburgh, V. (2015). The Transfer Paradox in Welfare Space. (ECARES Working Papers No ECARES 2015-01).
  12. 29. Biset Betchikou, C., Estache, A., & Ginsburgh, V. (2013). Happiness and music.

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