par Justino, Julia
;Kolinsky, Régine 
Référence Acta psychologica, 236, XX, page (XX-XX)
Publication Publié, 2023-01-01

Référence Acta psychologica, 236, XX, page (XX-XX)
Publication Publié, 2023-01-01
Article révisé par les pairs
Résumé : | We begin by presenting and examining relevant data in the literature on eye movements in reading, from childhood to adulthood. In particular, we discuss the differences found in eye movements during reading between children in different age groups and with different reading levels and adult skilled readers in terms of word recognition and sentence processing. We then critically discuss two hypotheses that account for the differences between children and adults in eye movement during reading: one being the reading age itself - the changes in eye movement patterns in reading are regulated by the level of reading proficiency and its automatization - and the other being the role of maturation of oculomotor control and, consequently, its possible changes in eye movement patterns during reading. Finally, we list gaps in the research field and suggest that future research will benefit from investigating eye movements during reading in ex-illiterate adults who are in the process of learning to read in order to isolate both reading and maturational factors. |