par Gontier, Quentin
;Petrillo, Lucas;Rottenberg, Francois;Horlin, François
;Wiart, Joe JW;Oestges, Claude;De Doncker, Philippe 
Référence IEEE access, 9, page (9177-91787)
Publication Publié, 2021-06-01

Référence IEEE access, 9, page (9177-91787)
Publication Publié, 2021-06-01
Article révisé par les pairs
Résumé : | Downlink exposure to electromagnetic fields due to cellular base stations in urban environmentsis studied using the stochastic geometry framework. A two-dimensional Poisson Point Process is assumedfor the base station distribution. Mathematical expressions of statistics of exposure are derived from a simplepropagation model taking into account the height of the base stations. The error on exposure made by takinga limited number of base stations, instead of the whole set, is quantified. The relative impact of the modelparameters on the statistics of exposure is highlighted. The method is then applied and the model parametersare calibrated using experimental data obtained by drive-tests in two Brussels municipalities, in Belgium,for the 2100 MHz and 2600 MHz frequency bands. It is shown that the proposed model fits experimentalvalues, paving the way to a new methodology to assess general public exposure to electromagnetic fields,for any frequency band. An insight is given on how to apply the methodology to a real case without accessto experimental data. |