par Mokaya, Hosea H.O.;Nkoba, Kiatoko;Ndunda, Robert R.M.;Vereecken, Nicolas 
Référence Food chemistry, 366, 130597
Publication A Paraître, 2022-01-31

Référence Food chemistry, 366, 130597
Publication A Paraître, 2022-01-31
Article révisé par les pairs
Résumé : | We investigated the effect of bee species identity and harvesting methods on the chemical composition and antiradical activity of 53 honey samples, produced by six stingless bee species in western Kenya (Kakamega forest). Our results illustrate that none of the assayed parameters significantly varied between the honey samples harvested by “punching holes” (n = 25) and “squeezing” (n = 28) methods. By contrast, species identity drove significant differences in the assayed parameters. Positive correlations between the antiradical activity and the phytochemicals (phenols and flavonoids) were observed, and honeys from Liotrigona sp. exhibited the highest amounts of phenols (214 mg GAE/100 g), flavonoids (73.0 mg QE/100 g) and antiradical activity (76.2%). The physicochemical analyses confirm the need to establish separate stingless bee honey standards for moisture, free acidity, invertase, electrical conductivity, and HMF, as these parameters significantly diverged from the set limits for Apis mellifera honey. |