Papers published in national and international conferences or symposium proceedings (39)

  1. 30. DeSmet, A., Hermans, K., & Van Audenhove, C. (2011). Participation, collaboration, empowerment and equity in holistic primary health care. Psychology & health,(vol. 26, no. suppl. 2), pp. 115–116.
  2. 31. DeSmet, A., Hermans, K., & Van Audenhove, C. (2011). The importance of social community factors as buffers against depressive symptoms among social service users with chronic illness. Psychology & health,(vol. 26, no. suppl. 2), pp. 116–116.
  3. 32. Schrijvers, J., DeSmet, A., Haustermans, K., Van Poppel, H., & Van Audenhove, C. (2011). Implementation and evaluation of a web-based decision aid in the decision making process of newly diagnosed patients with localized prostate cancer. Shared Decision Making, 6th International conference, Abstracts 6th International Shared Decision Making conference (ISDM 2011) : Bridging the gap between research and practice : patient pull or clinician push?(2011-06-29: Maastricht, the Netherlands)
  4. 33. DeSmet, A., Hermans, K., Verlinde, E., Willems, S., De Maeseneer, J., & Van Audenhove, C. (2011). Integrated care in mental health: need for collaboration, communication and customisation. Psychiatrische Praxis,(38(suppl. 1).), abstract OP06_TP.
  5. 34. DeSmet, A., De Groof, M., & Van Audenhove, C. (2011). Psychiatric foster homes as care in the community: the view of the community and relevant stakeholders. European Network for Mental Health Service Evaluation, 9th International conference, Abstracts. European Network for Mental Health Service Evaluation, 9th International conference(2011-06-23: Ulm, Germany)
  6. 35. Knaeps, J., DeSmet, A., & Van Audenhove, C. (2011). Supported employment fidelity in Flemish vocational programs. 9th International conference of the European Network for Mental Health Service Evaluation (ENMESH), abstracts 9th International conference of the European Network for Mental Health Service Evaluation (ENMESH)(2011-06-23: Ulm, Germany)
  7. 36. Schrijvers, J., DeSmet, A., Haustermans, K., Van Poppel, H., & Van Audenhove, C. (2011). Internet use and the use of web-based decision aids by general practitioners in Flanders. Shared Decision Making, 6th International conference, Abstracts 6th International Shared Decision Making conference (ISDM 2011) : Bridging the gap between research and practice : patient pull or clinician push?(2011-06-19: Maastricht, the Netherlands)
  8. 37. DeSmet, A., Hermans, K., Verlinde, E., Willems, S., De Maeseneer, J., & Van Audenhove, C. (2010). The potential role of social services in providing integrated care on mental health and welfare. Regions for Health Network Conference, Abstracts. Regions for Health Network Conference : Reducing health inequalities from a regional perspective : what works, what doesn’t work?(2010-11-08: Genk, Belgium)
  9. 38. Verstraete, A., & DeSmet, A. (2001). Abuse of ecstasy and related compounds in the Benelux. American Academy of Forensic Sciences, 53rd Annual meeting, Abstracts. American Academy of Forensic Sciences, 53rd Annual meeting(2001-02-19: Seattle, WA, USA)
  10. 39. Bleyen, L., Myny, K., DeSmet, A., De Vriendt, M. D., Van Landeghem, P., & De Backer, G. (1998). Patient-physician interaction in referral and result communication concerning mammography screening in women aged 40 to 70 years. Psychosocial Impacts of Breast Cancer, Abstracts. Psychosocial Impacts of Breast Cancer(1998-04-26: Lucerne, Switzerland)
  11.   Research reports, book reviews, letters to the editor, working papers (13)

  12. 1. Poppe, A., DeSmet, A., Verlinde, E., Hermans, K., Willems, S., Van Audenhove, C., & De Maeseneer, J. (2012). KANS cijferrapport: beschrijvende analyse van de gegevens uit de eerste bevraging: socio-demografisch profiel, zorggebruik, zorgtevredenheid, gezondheid, welzijn en sociale contacten van maatschappelijk kwetsbare welzijnszorggebruikers.
  13. 2. De Jaegere, V., Knaeps, J., De Groof, M., De Coster, I., DeSmet, A., & Van Audenhove, C. (2012). Begeleid Werken en Begeleid Leren: een transnationaal project.

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