Peer-reviewed journal articles (59)

  1. 8. Reema, T., Ibrahim, M. O., Mortada, H., AlKhalaf, M., Bookari, K., Al Sabbah, H., Qasrawi, R., Kamel, I., Dashti, S., Sabika, A., Hiba, B., Mostafa, W., Abuhijleh, H., Hammouh, F., Al-Awwad, N., Al-Bayyari, N., Cheikh Ismail, L., Abu Al-Halawa, D., Othman, M., The Regional CORONA COOKING Survey Group, T. R. C. C. S. G., DeSmet, A., & Hoteit, M. (2022). Sex disparities in food consumption patterns, dietary diversity and determinants of self-reported body weight changes before and amid the COVID-19 pandemic in 10 Arab countries. Frontiers in Public Health, 10.
  2. 9. Vandendriessche, A., Verloigne, M., Boets, L., Joriskes, J., DeSmet, A., Dhondt, K., & Deforche, B. (2022). Psychosocial factors related to sleep in adolescents and their willingness to participate in the development of a healthy sleep intervention: a focus group study. BMC public health, 22(1). doi:10.1186/s12889-022-14278-3
  3. 10. El Mouedden, I., Hellemans, C., Anthierens, S., Michels, N. R., & DeSmet, A. (2022). Experiences of Academic and Professional Burn-out in Medical Students and Residents During First COVID-19 Lockdown in Belgium: A Mixed-Method Survey. BMC medical education, 22.
  4. 11. Kassas, S., Culot, C., Crombez, G., Smeding, A. A., Leys, C., Thompson, D., & DeSmet, A. (2022). Study protocol for an adapted Personal Project Analysis to measure vertical inter-goal relations on physical activity and diet. BMC psychology.
  5. 12. Van de Casteele, M., Waterschoot, J., Anthierens, S., DeSmet, A., Galand, B., Goossens, H., Morbée, S., & Vansteenkiste, M. (2022). Saliva testing among teachers during the COVID-19 pandemic: Effects on health concerns, well-being, and precautionary behavior. Social science & medicine, 115295. doi:10.1016/j.socscimed.2022.115295
  6. 13. Hensums, M., De Mooij, B., Kuijper, S. C., Cross, D., DeSmet, A., Garandeau, C. F., Joronen, K., Leadbeater, B., Menesini, E., Palladino, B. E., Salmivalli, C., Solomontos-Kountouri, O., Veenstra, R., Fekkes, M., & Overbeek, G. (2022). What Works for Whom in School‑Based Anti‑bullying Interventions? An Individual Participant Data Meta‑analysis. Prevention Science. doi:10.1007/s11121-022-01387-z
  7. 14. Maher, C. A., Olds, T., Vandelanotte, C., Plotnikoff, R., Edney, S., Ryan, J. C., DeSmet, A., & Curtis, R. G. (2022). Gamification in a Physical Activity App: What Gamification Features Are Being Used, by Whom, and Does It Make a Difference? Games for Health Journal, 11(3), 193-199. doi:10.1089/g4h.2021.0207
  8. 15. Maenhout, L., Peuters, C., Cardon, G., Crombez, G., DeSmet, A., & Compernolle, S. (2022). Nonusage Attrition of Adolescents in an mHealth Promotion Intervention and the Role of Socioeconomic Status: Secondary Analysis of a 2-Arm Cluster-Controlled Trial. JMIR mHealth and uHealth, 10(5), e36404. doi:10.2196/36404
  9. 16. Hoteit, M., Mortada, H., Al-Jawaldeh, A., Mansour, R., Yazbeck, B., AlKhalaf, M., Bookari, K., Tayyem, R., Al-Awwad, N. J., Al Sabbah, H., Cheikh Ismail, L., Qasrawi, R., Abu Seir, R., Kamel, I., Dashti, S., Sabika, A., Mariam, A.-M., Bawadi, H., Waly, M., De Backer, C., Van Royen, K., Teunissen, L., Cuykx, I., Decorte, P., Ouvrein, G., Poels, K., Vandebosch, H., Maldoy, K., Pabian, S., Matthys, C., Smits, T., Vrinten, J., DeSmet, A., Teughels, N., Geuens, M., Vermeir, I., Proesmans, V., Hudders, L., Abdulkarim Alalwan, T., Al-Bayyari, N., Ibrahim, M. O., Hammouh, F., Dashti, B., Alkharaif, D., Alshatti, A., Al Mazedi, M., Naim, E., Ibrahim, C., Hamdan, M., Abu Al-Halawa, D., Agha, H., Othman, M., Pakari, J., Abu Farha, A., Abu-El-Ruz, R., Arrish, J., Taha, Z., & Aldhaheri, A. (2022). Dietary diversity in the Eastern Mediterranean region before and during the COVID-19 pandemic: Disparities, challenges, and mitigation measures. Frontiers in Nutrition, 9(813154).
  10. 17. Peuters, C., Cummins, J., Vandendriessche, A., DeSmet, A., & Crombez, G. (2022). Assessing sleep‐related attitudes with the implicit association test: A prospective study in young adults. Journal of sleep research. doi:10.1111/jsr.13536
  11. 18. Maenhout, L., Peuters, C., Cardon, G., Compernolle, S., Crombez, G., & DeSmet, A. (2021). Participatory Development and Pilot Testing of an Adolescent Health Promotion Chatbot. Frontiers in Public Health, 9(724779). doi:10.3389/fpubh.2021.724779
  12. 19. Azevedo, L. B., Stephenson, J., Ells, L., DeSmet, A., O’Malley, C., Li, K. C., Burrows, T., Collins, C. E., Giles, E. L., Van Grieken, A., Jones, D., Haste, A., Adu- Ntiamoah, S., & Hudson, M. (2021). The effectiveness of e-health interventions for the treatment of overweight or obesity in children and adolescents: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Obesity reviews. doi:10.1111/obr.13373

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