Ouvrages édités à titre de seul éditeur ou en collaboration (1)

  1. 1. Garone, E., Kolmanovsky, I., & Nguyen, T. W. (2025). Nonlinear and Constrained Control: Applications, Synergies, Challenges and Opportunities. Springer.
  2.   Parties d'ouvrages collectifs (5)

  3. 1. Giustarini, L., Lamprecht, S., Retzlaff, R., Udelhoven, T., Bono Rossello, N., Garone, E., Cristofori, V., Contarini, M., Paolocci, M., Silvestri, C., Speranza, S., Graziani, E., Stelliferi, R., Fabrizio Carpio, R., Maiolini, J., Torlone, R., Ulivi, G., & Gasparri, A. (2020). PANTHEON: SCADA for Precision Agriculture. In T. Yu-Chu & D. C. Levy (Eds.), Handbook of Real-Time Computing (pp. 1-38). Singapore: Springer Singapore. doi:10.1007/978-981-4585-87-3_42-1
  4. 2. Casavola, A., Garone, E., & Tedesco, F. (2016). Distributed supervisory strategies for multi-agent networked systems. In J. Dimirovsky (Ed.), Complex Systems: Synergies of Control, Communication and Computing (pp. 411-427). Springer.
  5. 3. Casavola, A., Garone, E., & Tedesco, F. (2014). The Distributed Command Governor Approach in a nutshell. In J. M. Maestre Torreblanca & R. Negenborn (Eds.), Distributed MPC Made Easy. Springer.(Series: Intelligent Systems, Control and Automation: Science and Engineering, 69).
  6. 4. Franzé, G., Casavola, A., Famularo, D., & Garone, E. (2009). An off-line MPC strategy for non-linear systems based on SOS programming. In L. Magni, D. Raimondo, & F. Allgöwer (Eds.), Nonlinear Model Prefictive Control Towards New Challenging Applications (pp. 491-500). Springer.(Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences).
  7. 5. Garone, E., Sinopoli, B., & Casavola, A. (2009). On the effect of packet acknowledgment on the stability and performance of networked control systems. In A. Chiuso, L. Fortuna, M. Frasca, A. Rizzo, L. Schenato, & S. Zampieri (Eds.), Modelling, Estimation and Control of Networked Complex System (pp. 181-205). Springer.(Understanding Complex Systems).
  8.   Articles dans des revues avec comité de lecture (94)

  9. 1. Rossini, L., Rossello, N. B., Benhamouche, O., Contarini, M., Speranza, S., & Garone, E. (2026). A general DDE framework to describe insect populations: Why delays are so important ? Ecological modelling.
  10. 2. Han, W., Farid, Y., Wang, L., Garone, E., & Preumont, A. (2024). Colibri: Hovering Flight of a Robotic Hummingbird: Dynamic observer and flight tests. Actuators.
  11. 3. Zhu, W., Dorigo, M., Oguz, S., Heinrich, M. K., Allwright, M., Wahby, M., Christensen, A. L., & Garone, E. (2024). Self-organizing nervous systems for robot swarms. Science Robotics, 9(96). doi:10.1126/scirobotics.adl5161
  12. 4. Castroviejo-Fernandez, M., Li, H., Cotorruelo Jiménez, A., Garone, E., & Kolmanovsky, I. I. (2024). Less conservative robust reference governors and their applications. European journal of control, 79, 101084. doi:10.1016/j.ejcon.2024.101084
  13. 5. Tartaglione, G., Nicotra, M., Naldi, R., & Garone, E. (2024). A constrained control framework for unmanned aerial vehicles based on Explicit Reference Governor. Automatica, 166, 111696. doi:10.1016/j.automatica.2024.111696
  14. 6. Garone, E., & Kolmanovsky, I. I. (2024). On Constrained Lyapunov Stabilization of Spacecraft Orbits Using Gauss Variational Equations. Journal of spacecraft and rockets, 61(4), 1128-1132. doi:10.2514/1.A35932

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