Travail de recherche/Working paper
Résumé : | Existing research on the impact of organizational decoupling in the DEI domain mainly focuses on its effect on organizational perceptions and interpersonal outcomes. This article shifts focus to its impact on intrapersonal responses. Three quasi-experimental studies (Ntotal = 1233) tested the effects of negative decoupling (diversity talk present, diversity progress absent) against (a) positive congruence (both diversity talk and diversity progress present) and (b) a control condition (diversity talk only) on perceptions of dehumanization. For disadvantaged groups, negative decoupling increased perceptions of dehumanization, which in turn was related to lower levels of inclusion, organizational commitment, and person-organization fit.. For advantaged groups, results were mixed, with Studies 1 and 2 showing adverse effects and Study 3 showing no significant impact. This article highlights the potentially harmful consequences of negative decoupling and raises questions about the factors behind its varied effects, especially on advantaged groups. |