par Pierson, Ekaterina ;Buyantueva, Radzhana ; [et al.]
Référence Decolonial themes in the Belarusian opposition’s relations with the EU (3-4 October 2024: Kaunas, Lithuania)
Publication Non publié, 2024-10-03
Poster de conférence
  • Decolonial themes in the Belarusian opposition’s relations with the EU
Auteur:Pierson, Ekaterina; Buyantueva, Radzhana; et al.
Informations sur la publication:Decolonial themes in the Belarusian opposition’s relations with the EU (3-4 October 2024: Kaunas, Lithuania)
Statut de publication:Non publié, 2024-10-03
Sujet CREF:Science politique générale
Mots-clés:Decolonialism, postcolonialism, self-colonisation, good-Other, colonial Other