par Carpentier, Marine ;Rabineau, Jérémy ;Noiset, Marie ;Celie, Bert ;Faoro, Vitalie
Référence European Congress of Sport Science (2-5 July 2024: Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom)
Publication Non publié, 2024-07-05
Communication à un colloque
Résumé : INTRODUCTION Running sports often lead to lower limb mechanical injuries. Unloaded training, such as indoor cycling (IC), are often advised during recovery, to limit cardio-pulmonary capacity deconditioning with limited mechanical stress1. Deep water running (DWR) is an alternative training method to reduce low-limb overload, improve muscle strength2 and balance3, with greater muscular forces than in air4. While validated DWR training protocols still need to be established, we compared the cardio-pulmonary response during exercise sessions of DWR vs IC. It also remains unclear if sessions need to be calibrated on heart rate (HR) or oxygen consumption (VO2). METHODS 15 healthy active subjects were enrolled in the study; 22±3 yo, 53% women, 43±7 ml/min/kg maximal VO2 measured during cyclo-ergometric cardio-pulmonary exercise test (CPET) which also allowed determination of HR and VO2 at the first ventilatory threshold (VT1). All subjects performed randomly one IC and DWR continuous exercise session calibrated on HR at VT1 (respectively ICHR and DWRHR) consisting of: 5-minutes warm-up at 80% of heart rate (HR) at the first ventilatory threshold (VT1), followed by 2 sets of 10 minutes at 100% HR@VT1 separated by 2 minutes rest. A subgroup of 7 subjects performed an additional DWR session calibrated by VO2 at VT1 (DWRVO2). HR, ventilation (VE) and gas exchange were measured continuously during CPET and DWR/IC sessions, with blood lactate levels measured 30s after exercise. When comparing DWRHR with DWRVO2 values are given as med [Q1; Q3].RESULTS At identical exercise HR, VO2 was higher during DWRHR (38±9 ml/min/kg; 88% of VO2max) as compared to ICHR training (31±6 ml/min/kg; 72% of VO2max, p<0.0001) as well as VE (DWRHR : 74±2 L/min, 60% of VEmax vs ICHR : 54±6 L/min, 36% of VEmax, p<0.0001) with no difference in lactate concentrations (DWRHR : 3.9±1.7 mmol/L, vs ICHR : 3.6±2 mmol/L). Higher VE (p=0,047) (DWRHR : 80 [57; 84] L/min, DWRVO2: 50 [44; 55] L/min) and higher HR (p=0,047) (DWRHR : 143 [138; 157] bpm, DWRVO2 : 113 [99; 158] bpm) were observed during DWRHR compared to DWRVO2, with a greater respiratory exchange ratio (RER) for DWRHR (p=0,03) (0.92 [0.86; 0.96] vs. 0.81 [0.75; 0.88]) but with no difference in lactate concentrations (DWRVO2 : 2.7 [1.1; 2.9] mmol/L). CONCLUSION DWRHR reaches higher exercise intensity, as measures by VO2 and VE levels, compared to ICHR, but with identical lactate production. This is likely attributed to the chronotropic response of hydrostatic pressure inherent in DWR, which enhances venous return and stroke volume. The validation of this hypothesis through DWRVO2 underscores the necessity of acquiring detailed knowledge regarding the physiological effects of each exercise modality. It seems therefore important to consider accurately adapting DWR training programs to meet specific performance objectives and optimize training/rehabilitation outcomes.1 Glass & al, 19952 Foley & al, 20033 Simmons & Hansen, 19964 Miyoshu & al, 2004