par Vandekerckhove, Tom
;Vanackere, Tom
;De Witte, Jasper;Cuyvers, Stijn;Dos Reis, Luis Nuno
;Billet, Maximilien
;Roelkens, Gunther;Clemmen, Stéphane
;Kuyken, Bart
Référence Optical Materials Express, 13, 7, page (1984)
Publication Publié, 2023-06-01

Référence Optical Materials Express, 13, 7, page (1984)
Publication Publié, 2023-06-01
Article révisé par les pairs
Résumé : | High-speed Pockels modulation and second-order nonlinearities are key components in optical systems, but CMOS-compatible platforms like silicon and silicon nitride lack these capabilities. Micro-transfer printing of thin-film lithium niobate offers a solution, but suspending large areas of thin films for long interaction lengths and high-Q resonators is challenging, resulting in a low transfer yield. We present a new source preparation method that enables reliable transfer printing of thin-film lithium niobate. We demonstrate its versatility by successfully applying it to gallium phosphide and silicon, and provide an estimate of the transfer yield by subsequently printing 25 lithium niobate films without fail. |