par Decroly, Gilles ;Ben Hassen, Ramzi ;Achten, Wouter ;Grimaldi, David ;Gaspard, Nicolas ;Devière, Jacques ;Delchambre, Alain ;Nonclercq, Antoine
Référence (24-27 July 2023: Sydney, Australia), Proceedings of the 45th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society
Publication Publié, 2023-07-24
Publication dans des actes
Résumé : This paper aims to question the sustainability of biomedical engineering practices. The strong sustainability framework is applied to the evaluation and development of medical technologies through the definition of clinical sustainability. A roadmap for developing and evaluating medical technologies in this respect is derived from this framework, as a first step toward a multidisciplinary evaluation tool. On this basis, the current trend towards disposable endoscopes is analyzed and discussed. This highlights the subtle balance between economic, clinical, social, and environmental factors, the lack of evidence at these multiple levels, and the need for multidisciplinarity. This paper concludes with the need to assess all aspects of sustainability and identify and quantify the trade-offs, instead of focusing on one or two key indicators, to have more relevant information in order to make better and more effective decisions. Towards sustainable healthcare, we outline two paths of action: (1) providing evidence that is lacking on the environmental impact of existing or currently developed medical technologies and (2) clarifying the premises and visions underlying our practices.Clinical Relevance - This work provides insights regarding the strong sustainability of medical technologies. This clinical framework may help clinicians and developers in decision-making to reduce indirect negative ecological, social, and health impacts.