par Kolinsky, Régine
;Tossonian, Méghane 
Référence Reading & writing, 0, 0, page (0-0)
Publication Publié, 2022-12-01

Référence Reading & writing, 0, 0, page (0-0)
Publication Publié, 2022-12-01
Article révisé par les pairs
Résumé : | The aim of the present study was to examine the hypothesis that, compared to typicallyreading children matched on regular word reading, adults with basic literacy(either adult literacy students or adult basic education students) struggle on phonologicallydemanding tasks but are relatively performant on orthographic demandingtasks, and hence present a performance pattern similar to that of dyslexic children.Using various reading and phoneme awareness tests, we therefore compared theadults to both typically reading children from Grades 3 and 4 and dyslexic children,these two groups being matched to the adults on regular word reading. The dyslexicchildren were also compared to either chronological age- or reading level-matchedchildren. The hypothesis was only partly supported by the data, as results dependedon the subgroup of adults considered. While the literacy students presented poorerphoneme awareness and a somewhat stronger length effect in reading than the dyslexicchildren, the basic education students outperformed the latter on irregular wordreading. The adults, and in particular the literacy students, also relied frequently onorthography in a complex phoneme awareness task. Taken together, these resultssuggest that adults with basic literacy rely more on visual memory than both dyslexicand typically reading children. This opens the question of whether the peculiarprofile of these adults is intrinsic to adult literacy acquisition or is related to the waythey are taught and trained to read and write. The results also highlight the need forbetter characterization of subgroups of adults with basic literacy |