par Bernard, Philippe
;Cogoni, Carlotta;Carnaghi, Andrea 
Référence Current directions in psychological science, 29, page (134–139)
Publication Publié, 2020-02-19

Référence Current directions in psychological science, 29, page (134–139)
Publication Publié, 2020-02-19
Article révisé par les pairs
Résumé : | Recent research has examined the sexualization–objectification link (i.e., whether sexualized individuals are appraised as if they were objects rather than persons). This research has found that sexualized individuals are more likely to be processed and categorized as if they were objects and are also perceived as possessing fewer humanlike traits than nonsexualized individuals. In addition, sexualization prompts negative behaviors such as social exclusion. Altogether, these findings shed light on mechanisms that might underlie violence toward sexualized individuals. |