par Lepage, Philippe 
Référence Revue médicale de Bruxelles, 27 Spec No, page (Sp19-23)
Publication Publié, 2006

Référence Revue médicale de Bruxelles, 27 Spec No, page (Sp19-23)
Publication Publié, 2006
Article révisé par les pairs
Résumé : | The recent evolution of hospital pediatrics in Western Europe results from the scientific progresses in preventive and curative medicine, from epidemiological changes related to environmental factors, from populations expectations about health and from the socioeconomical evolution. As a consequence, hospital pediatric activities have evolved toward the management of more chronic et complex diseases, requiring multidisciplinary approachs. In this context, the role of the "hospitalist" clinician, of family-oriented care, of coordination of inteventions and of minimization of complications during hospitalization need to be emphasized. The teaching of pediatrics has quickly evolved toward practical and interactive activities, organized in small groups. In a few years, EBM has spread like an epidemic in the scientific community. Clinical and epidemiological research remains underdeveloped in many European countries. This research needs to be boosted with the help of national European and private sponsors. European pediatric departments also have to develop their expertise in the field of research in developing countries. |