par Vogel, Laurent
Référence Cancer and work Understanding occupational cancers and taking action to eliminate them — Edited by Tony Musu and Laurent Vogel, ETUI
Publication Publié, 2018-11-30
Partie d'ouvrage collectif
Résumé : The ESENER survey conducted by the Bilbao Agency emphasises the importance of precise and comprehensive legislation to organise prevention (Rial González et al. 2010). According to this survey, which was conducted on the basis of a sample of 36,000 companies, the main factor encouraging companies to develop a prevention policy is the existence of legislation. Ninety percent of companies state that fulfilment of legal obligations is what spurs them to act. In 22 of the 27 countries, this factor heads the responses. In the field of occupational cancer prevention, the importance of a precise and detailed legislative framework is heightened by the dearth of economic incentives within companies, especially as the cost of occupational cancers is almost totally externalised to social security and public health structures.This contribution briefly analyses the following elements: the development of Community legislation on the marketing of carcinogens and the protection of workers’ health. It also addresses the main obstacles encountered in the application of these rules in different Member States. It will be restricted to cancers caused by chemicals, disregarding other carcinogenic factors such as night working, exposure to solar radiation, ionising radiation or biological agents.In this chapter, we will not be discussing the ongoing process of revising the directive for the protection of workers against carcinogens. Because of the importance of this question, the chapter 18 is devoted to it (page 185).