par Wattar, B.;Govaerts, André
Référence Revue Francaise de Transfusion et Immuno-Hematologie, 25, 3, page (297-308)
Publication Publié, 1982
Article révisé par les pairs
Résumé : Screening of irregular antibodies performed on a Groupamatic MG50, a two or three channels auto-analyser, and with manual techniques, revealed 4,445 positive sera which were then identified on this auto-analyser system. It was concluded that the « saline-PVP-4° Cchannel recovers 17 % of the screened sera, which appeared negative with the bromelin and polybrene channels. Saline - 4° C detected sera include all of the - M and - P1 specificities and about half of the - K, - Lea and Leb. Identification of cold and namely anti-I antibodies on this channel also leads to an improved analysis of polyspecific sera. The high sensitivity of this 3 channels auto-analyser seems to be optimal for screening and identification of irregular antibodies. © 1982.