par Wiame, Jean-Marie
Référence Biochimica et biophysica acta, 1, C, page (234-255)
Publication Publié, 1947
Article révisé par les pairs
Résumé : 1. 1. A study has been made of the considerable variations in basophily which occur in phosphorus exhausted yeast cells, afterwards brought again into the presence of phosphate ions. 2. 2. These changes in basophily have been compared with changes in the phosporus purine, and acido-soluble pentose content of the yeast cells. 3. 3. The extraction of a phosphorus-rich basophilic substance, different from zymonucleic acid, explains the results obtained. 4. 3. The chemical properties and the composition of the basophilic substance have been studied. 5. 5. Strongly basophilic yeast cells, as well as the substance exracted, show an intense metachromasy. This property makes possible the cytochemical detection of the substance. 6. 6. A quantitative study of the synthesis and desmolysis of the basophilic substance indicates that the two reactions are coupled. © 1947.