Résumé : Does owning a medicine cabinet or having practical first-aid knowledge and skillsat home have any effects on people's attitude towards periodic health examinations (GHEs)? In this study, we analyzed a dataset consisting of 2,068 observations to point out differences in periodic health examinations-taking tendencies between those with and without a family medicine cabinet; as well as between those who know and do not know how to use basic medical equipment. In addition, the factors of age, gender, job and marital status were also documented in relation to body mass index (BMI): the BMI of a Vietnamese person is average by conventional standards (the mean BMI = 20.848, SD = 2.67, CI = 20.73-20.96), and is directly proportional to age (βage=0.019, P < 0.01). Female (βmale =1.846, P <0.001), married people (βother=-0.965, P = 0.001) and homemakers tend to have a higher BMI (βotherJobs<0, P = 0.05).