Résumé : The sequence of activation signals that stimulate proliferation, differentiation, and selection of mature T cell subsets from immature, dull-CD5+/CD4-, CD8- double negative (bCD5), (dCD5/DN) thymocytes are still unclear. However, it is likely that cytokines play integral roles in these events. Here we report that IL-1, in the presence of Con A, supports the proliferation and differentiation of highly purified dCD5/DN precursors into bright-CD5+ DN, CD2- lymphocytes with an apparently mature phenotype. These cells express CD3 and preferentially express the products of two TCR gene families, Vβ8 and Vβ6, whose expression is dependent on the allelic expression of the Mls-1 locus. Experiments, using DN thymocytes mixed with purified dCD5 subset of DN cells from a congenic strain of mice (i.e., expressing two different alleles of CD5) have shown that the cells that are stimulated by IL-1 and comitogen are derived from the immature dCD5 subset and not from the mature bCD5 cells contained within the DN subset. In contrast, IL-2 with the co-mitogen stimulates three- to fourfold higher levels of proliferation, from the same purified immature precursor population, and nearly a twofold increase in cell yield. However, the cells that were generated from precursor thymic cells stimulated with IL-2 represent a completely different T cell subset compared to IL-1-generated cells; these IL-2-stimulated cells express comparable levels of CD3, but also express substantial levels of CD2 and the TCR-γ/δ, and a subset expresses CD8. These data suggest that these two TCR-α/β and TCR-γ/δ subsets of mature thymocytes use different cytokines and therefore possibly different stromal interactions to initiate differentiation.