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Résumé : The authors study the characteristics of a group of 23 patients for whom an initial tentative diagnosis of Hakim-Adams syndrome (H-A syndrome) was eventually rejected. On account of several factors distinguishing these patients from the true H-A group, the authors propose using the term 'pseudo Hakim-Adams syndrome'. The distinguishing factors include: the grounds for admission, i.e. mental or mnesic deterioration, associated with radiological images of ventricular dilatation; a clinical picture dominated by mental disorders with only rare disorders of gait and sphincter control (several neurological defects were direct consequences of previous cerebral disease); no antecedents of spontaneous meningeal hemorrhage or meningitis in the case history; neuropsychological examination showing fewer disorders of concentration and less dyscalculia and constructive dyspraxia than in true HA, and far more atypical signs of the aphasic and anxio-depressive type. The authors think that various pathological processes may be responsible for this pseudo H-A syndrome in which a predominant mental picture is associated with ventricular dilatation.