par Mikaelian, David ;Wylock, Christophe ;Haut, Benoît
Référence 5th International Workshop on Bubble and Drop Interfaces 2012(20-24 May 2012: Kraków (Poland)), Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Bubble and Drop Interfaces 2012
Publication Publié, 2012-05-20
Abstract de conférence
  • Numerical study of the helical motion of spherical bubbles
Auteur:Mikaelian, David; Wylock, Christophe; Haut, Benoît
Informations sur la publication:5th International Workshop on Bubble and Drop Interfaces 2012(20-24 May 2012: Kraków (Poland)), Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Bubble and Drop Interfaces 2012
Statut de publication:Publié, 2012-05-20
Sujet CREF:Génie chimique