Communications publiées lors de congrès ou colloques nationaux et internationaux (118)

  1. 80. Van Lint, C., Kiernan, R. E., Vanhulle, C., Schiltz, L., Adam, E., Xiao, F., Maudoux, F., Calomme, C., Jeang, K. T., Nakatani, Y., Burny, A., & Benkirane, M. (1999). Acetylation of Tat by p300 and P/CAF differentially modulates TAR RNA-binding and TAK association and is required for transcription. Abstract of the 1999 International Meeting of the Institute of Human Virology, A Symposium on HIV/AIDS & Cancer Biology (August 28-September 2, 1999: Baltimore, Maryland, USA)
  2. 81. Van Lint, C., Kiernan, R. E., Vanhulle, C., Schiltz, L., Adam, E., Xiao, F., Maudoux, F., Calomme, C., Jeang, K. T., Nakatani, Y., Burny, A., & Benkirane, M. (1999). Acetylation of Tat by p300 and P/CAF differentially modulates TAR RNA-binding and TAK association and is required for transcription. Abstract of the Fourth European Conference on Experimental AIDS Research (4th ECEAR) (June 18-21, 1999: Tampere, Finland)
  3. 82. Kiernan, R. E., Vanhulle, C., Schiltz, L., Adam, E., Xiao, F., Maudoux, F., Calomme, C., Burny, A., Nakatani, Y., Jeang, K. T., Van Lint, C., & Benkirane, M. (1999). Acetylation of Tat by p300 and P/CAF differentially modulates TAR RNA-binding and TAK association and is required for transcription. Abstract of the Retroviruses Meeting. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (May 25-30, 1999: Cold Spring Harbor, New York, USA)
  4. 83. Bex, F., Burny, A., Van Den Broeke, A., & Van Lint, C. (1999). Virus expression or virus latency: how to make the choice? Abstract of the 1999 International Symposium on HIV, Leukemia, and Opportunistic Cancers (23-28 May, 1999: Marrakech, Morocco)
  5. 84. Jackers, P., Garnier, F., Van Lint, C., Verdin, E., & Castronovo, V. (1998). Detection of DNaseI-hypersensitive sites in the human gene coding for the 37 kD laminin receptor precursor/p40 ribosomal associated protein. Abstract of the 5th Euregional Oncology Meeting (23 Jan, 1998: Vaeshartelt Castle, Belgium)
  6. 85. Van Lint, C., Amella, C. A., Emiliani, S., John, M., Jie, T., Vanhulle, C., Burny, A., & Verdin, E. (1998). Transcription factor binding sites downstream of the transcription start site of HIV-1 are important for virus infectivity. Abstract of the Third European Conference on Experimental AIDS Research (ECEAR) (28 Feb-3 March, 1998: Munich, Germany)
  7. 86. Jackers, P., Garnier, F., Van Lint, C., Verdin, E., & Castronovo, V. (1998). Detection of DNaseI-hypersensitive sites in the human gene coding for the 37 kD laminin receptor precursor/p40 ribosomal associated protein. Abstract of the Belgian Association for Cancer Research (24 Jan, 1998: A.Z. V.U.B., Brussels, Belgium)
  8. 87. Herbein, G., Van Lint, C., Lovett, J., & Verdin, E. (1997). Direct induction of apoptosis by HIV-1 during infection of peripheral blood lymphocytes in vitro. Abstract of the Keystone Symposium on Apoptosis and Programmed Cell Death (Abstract 130) (18-23 Feb, 1997: Tamarron, Colorado, USA)
  9. 88. Kiermer, V., Van Lint, C., Verdin, E., Burny, A., & Droogmans, L. (1997). Regulation of gene expression by the R-U5 region of Bovine leukemia virus genome. Abstract of the Retroviruses Meeting. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (20-25 May, 1997: Cold Spring Harbor, New York, USA)
  10. 89. Emiliani, S., Van Lint, C., Spector, D., Fischle, W., & Verdin, E. (1997). Cloning and characterization of a new human histone deacetylase, HD2. Abstract of the Keystone Symposium on Functional Organization of the Nucleus (23-28 Feb, 1997: Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA)
  11. 90. Emiliani, S., Van Lint, C., Fischle, W., & Verdin, E. (1997). Cloning and characterization of a new human histone deacetylase, HDAC3. Abstract of the Cold Spring Harbor Meeting on Mechanisms of Eukaryotic Transcription. (27-31 Aug, 1997: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, Cold Spring Harbor, New York, USA)
  12. 91. Van Lint, C. (1997). Rôle de l’acétylation des histones dans la régulation transcriptionnelle des gènes de HIV-1. Journées de Cancérologie Fondamentale et Clinique de l’Institut Bordet, Symposium de la Fondation MEDIC sous les auspices du F.N.R.S. (27-28 Nov, 1997: Institut Jules Bordet, Brussels, Belgium)

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