par Carette, Thomas
;Godefroid, Michel 
Référence Journal of Physics. B, Atomic Molecular and Optical Physics, 44, page (105001)
Publication Publié, 2011-04-28

Référence Journal of Physics. B, Atomic Molecular and Optical Physics, 44, page (105001)
Publication Publié, 2011-04-28
Article révisé par les pairs
Résumé : | We present highly correlated multi-configuration Hartree-Fock (MCHF) calculations of the hyperfine structure of the 3p 5 2P o J levels of 33S - and 35, 37Cl. We obtain good agreement with observation. The hyperfine structure of the neutral sulphur 33S 3p 4 3P J lowest multiplet that has never been measured to the knowledge of the authors is also estimated theoretically. We discuss some interesting observations made on the description of the atomic core in MCHF theory. © 2011 IOP Publishing Ltd. |