par Senterre, Christelle ;Levêque, Alain ;Coppieters, Yves ;Dramaix Wilmet, Michèle
Référence EDULEARN 11. The 3rd annual International Conference on Education and New learning technologies. (4-6 July 2011: Barcelona)
Publication Non publié, 2011
Communication à un colloque
  • Presentation and analysis of a learning course in multivariate analysis applied to epidemiology: from in-class to distance learning.
Auteur:Senterre, Christelle; Levêque, Alain; Coppieters, Yves; Dramaix Wilmet, Michèle
Informations sur la publication:EDULEARN 11. The 3rd annual International Conference on Education and New learning technologies. (4-6 July 2011: Barcelona)
Statut de publication:Non publié, 2011
Sujet CREF:Sciences bio-médicales et agricoles