par Gyselinck, Johan ;Dular, Patrick;geuzaine, C.;Sabariego, R.V.
Référence 8th International Symposium on Electric and Magnetic Fields (EMF2009), Mondovi, Italy, 26-29 May 2009
Publication Publié, 2009
Publication dans des actes
Résumé : This paper deals with eddy-current effects in the distributed winding of electrical machines, and in particular with the proximity effect and the associated losses. A previously proposed homogenization method for windings in two-dimensional (2D) time-domain finite-element (FE) models is shown to be applicable without additional computational cost, producing a precise estimate of the instantaneous proximity-effect losses. The method is illustrated by considering the conductors in a single stator slot of a 3kW induction motor. The brute- force model, with fine discretisation of each conductor, and the homogenized model yield macroscopic results that are very close to each other.