  • Meta-analysis of gene-expression profiles in breast cancer: towards a unified understanding of breast cancer sub-typing and prognosis signatures
Auteur:Sotiriou, Christos; Wirapati, Pratyaksha; Kunkel, Susanne; Farmer, Pierre; Pradervand, Sylvain; Haibe-Kains, Benjamin; Desmedt, Christine; Sengstag, Thierry; Schütz, Frédéric; Goldstein, Darlene R; Delorenzi, Mauro; Piccart-Gebhart, Martine
Informations sur la publication:Breast cancer research and treatment, 106, suppl 1, page (S56-57)
Statut de publication:Publié, 2007-12
Sujet CREF:Cancérologie
Informatique médicale
Informatique mathématique
Médecine pathologie humaine