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Résumé : Three children who presented with a Fanconi syndrome induced by the chemotherapeutic drug ifosfamide were found to have renal abnormalities on sonogram examinations. Renal echographic changes consisted in hyperechogenicity of the parenchyma with good corticomedullar differentiation. After discontinuation of the chemotherapy, the serum and urine metabolic abnormalities due to proximal tubulopathy were completely or greatly improved. Imaging studies at that time showed a complete resolution of the renal hyperechogenicity. We suggest that in patients exposed to ifosfamide, renal sonogram may be of value to monitor the tubular toxicity of this drug. In these patients, urine and serum monitoring as well as prospective echographic follow-up kidney abnormalities may lead to earlier detection of ifosfamide-induced Fanconi syndrome as well as earlier detection of disease reversibility.