par Bartik, Kristin
;Redfield, Christina
Référence Journal of biomolecular NMR, 3, 4, page (415-428)
Publication Publié, 1993

Référence Journal of biomolecular NMR, 3, 4, page (415-428)
Publication Publié, 1993
Article révisé par les pairs
Résumé : | Summary A method for estimating αCH-βCH coupling constants from the shape and fine structure of NH-αCH fingerprint-region cross peaks of COSY spectra is presented. Spectral simulations have been used to analyse the effect of variations in 3JNH-αCH, 3JαCH-βCH, linewidths and digital resolution on the appearance of NH-αCH COSY cross peaks. On the basis of these simulations a set of rules for broadly categorising experimental NH-αCH cross peaks according to αCH-βCH coupling constants has been devised. The method has been applied to the analysis of NH-αCH cross peaks of hen lysozyme. The results are compared to previous measurements of αCH-βCH coupling constants using E.COSY techniques. |