par Tomberg, Claude
;Weinberg, Hal;Vrba, Jiri;Tcheung, Teresa
Référence Neuroscience letters, 391, 1-2, page (68-70)
Publication Publié, 2005-12

Référence Neuroscience letters, 391, 1-2, page (68-70)
Publication Publié, 2005-12
Article révisé par les pairs
Résumé : | In somatic selective attention, electrical brain mapping disclosed a P100 cognitive electrogenesis with a scalp field paradoxically lateralized ipsilaterally to the target finger stimulus. We used 64 sensors magnetoencephalography (MEG) and source localization software in six normal humans to identify the P100 neural generator. Calculated dipole sources for P100 were iteratively compared with the recorded MEG data. The equivalent dipole at somatic P100 latency was located in the parietal lobe contralateral to the finger stimulus and had an oblique positive gradient pointing towards the ipsilateral side, thus explaining the paradoxical positivity in electrical brain mapping. It is suggested that the somatic P100 is generated in parietal area 7b which indeed appears to be specialized for cognitive processing within the somatic modality rather than for multimodal association. |