par Brotchi, Jacques
;De Witte, Olivier
;Lefranc, Florence
;Levivier, Marc
;Massager, Nicolas
;Pirotte, Benoît 
Référence Revue médicale de Bruxelles, 23 Suppl 2, page (123-126)
Publication Publié, 2002

Référence Revue médicale de Bruxelles, 23 Suppl 2, page (123-126)
Publication Publié, 2002
Article révisé par les pairs
Résumé : | Opened on November 1st, 2001, the Department of Neurosurgery has progressively grown to become worldwide renown in a few years. All the pathologies are covered, from lumbar disc hernia to intracranial tumors and vascular malformations. But the originality stays into the exceptional environment by the concentration of logistic resources and the ability of clinician and researchers who daily collaborate with the neurosurgical team. The Department of Neurosurgery has a strong reputation in several fields like intraspinal cord tumors or Pet-guided Neurosurgery in stereotactic biopsies, neuronavigation and Gamma Knife and, generally speaking, in the original approach of the treatment and follow-up of brain tumors. Neurodegenerative diseases also benefit of modern approaches trough the Gamma Knife, deep brain stimulation or fetal cell grafting into the brain in Parkinson and soon in Huntington diseases. Last but not least, the arrival for the 25th anniversary of Erasme Hospital of an interventional MRI will allow to follow in real-time the resection of brain tumors with an obvious benefit for the surgical performances and the quality of life of the patients. It will also open a new window for neurosurgical research through combination with functional MRI and Pet-Scan, reinforcing the reputation of Erasme Neurosurgical Department who has been distinguished in 1997 by the World Health Organisation as "WHO Collaborating Center for Research and Training in Neurosurgery" and nominated again in 2002 for a new 4-year period, which is unique in the Neurosurgical World. |