par Cailliez, Julie 
Référence 44th annual meeting of the Canadian Sociological Association, Congress of the Humanities and the Social Sciences 2009, “Capital Connections: nation, terroir, territoire (26-29 May 2009: Carleton University, Ottawa)
Publication Non publié, s.d.

Référence 44th annual meeting of the Canadian Sociological Association, Congress of the Humanities and the Social Sciences 2009, “Capital Connections: nation, terroir, territoire (26-29 May 2009: Carleton University, Ottawa)
Publication Non publié, s.d.
Communication à un colloque
Titre: |
Autre titre: |
Auteur: | Cailliez, Julie |
Informations sur la publication: | 44th annual meeting of the Canadian Sociological Association, Congress of the Humanities and the Social Sciences 2009, “Capital Connections: nation, terroir, territoire (26-29 May 2009: Carleton University, Ottawa) |
Statut de publication: | Non publié, s.d. |
Sujet CREF: | Sciences sociales |
Sociologie | |
Sociologie urbaine | |
Mots-clés: | Mental map, city, expat, highly skilled mobile professionals, |
sense of home, place attachment | |
Langue: | Anglais |