par Rosier, Laurence 
Référence The Oxford Handbook of the French Language, Oxford University Press, page (750-775)
Publication Publié, 2024-07

Référence The Oxford Handbook of the French Language, Oxford University Press, page (750-775)
Publication Publié, 2024-07
Partie d'ouvrage collectif
Résumé : | This chapter examines the language of contemporary literature in French. It explores the literary field from a sociostylistic perspective. The analysis takes into account both social and technological influence on the language of literature, literary style, and the production of works of literature. This involves treating the polysemiotic dimensions of digital writing and its role in the fictional matrix and materialities. The chapter examines a number of specific stylistic forms. It focuses in particular on oral style, the style of reported speech, and the poetic dimension of language. The question of genre is one which cuts across all of the literary examples discussed. |