par Cuoci, Alberto
;Nobili, Andrea;Parente, Alessandro
;Grenga, Temistocle;Pitsch, Heinz
Référence Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 40, 1-4, 105386
Publication Publié, 2024-01

Référence Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 40, 1-4, 105386
Publication Publié, 2024-01
Article révisé par les pairs
Résumé : | In this study, we combine the SPARC (Sample-Partitioning Adaptive Reduced Chemistry) and the Cell Agglomeration (CA) techniques, to accelerate the simulation of laminar and turbulent reactive flows with detailed kinetics. The reduced mechanisms adopted by SPARC are generated on the basis of representative thermo-chemical states corresponding to laminar, steady-state flamelets parameterized by the mixture fraction and a progress variable, in line with the TRAC (Tabulated Reactions for Adaptive Chemistry) method, recently proposed by Surapaneni and Mira (Comb and Flame, 2023). To further speed-up the calculation, CA (consisting in grouping the cells having similar thermo-chemical states) is carried out before identifying the local reduced mechanism by means of SPARC. To demonstrate the effectiveness of the approach, we considered two benchmark cases: (i) a laminar, pulsating laminar coflow diffusion flame fueled by a mixture of C2H4 and N2 burning in air; (ii) a 2D, turbulent, non-premixed flame burning n-C7H16 in air subject to decaying isotropic turbulence. In both cases, a detailed kinetic mechanism accounting for the formation of PAHs and soot particles and aggregates was considered. The results are promising, showing both accuracy and computational efficiency. While this study uses non-premixed flamelets with mixture fraction and progress variable as an illustrative example, the proposed methodology has the potential to be applied to various combustion modes, including premixed and partially premixed scenarios. |