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Résumé : Product structure theorems are a collection of recent results that have been used to resolve a number of longstanding open problems on planar graphs and related graph classes. One particularly useful version states that every planar graph G is contained in the strong product of a 3-tree H, a path P, and a 3-cycle K3; written as G ⊆ H ⊠ P ⊠ K3. A number of researchers have asked if this theorem can be strengthened so that the maximum degree in H can be bounded by a function of the maximum degree in G. We show that no such strengthening is possible. Specifically, we describe an infinite family G of planar graphs of maximum degree 5 such that, if an n-vertex member G of G is isomorphic to a subgraph of H ⊠ P ⊠ Kc where P is a path and H is a graph of maximum degree ∆ and treewidth t, then t∆c ≥ 2Ω(√log log n).