par Van Acker, Wouter ;Lus, Koldo
Editeur scientifique Tsiambaos, George G.K.;Chalvatzoglou, Thodoris
Référence EAHN(8: 19-23 June 2024: Athens), European Architectural History Network 2024 Eighth International Conference Programme and Abstracts, Laboratory for the History and Theory of Architecture NTUA, Athens
Publication Publié, 2024-06-01
Publication dans des actes
  • Funny Brutalism: Or Something Funny Happened on the Way to Postmodernity
Auteur:Van Acker, Wouter; Lus, Koldo
Editeur scientifique:Tsiambaos, George G.K.; Chalvatzoglou, Thodoris
Informations sur la publication:EAHN(8: 19-23 June 2024: Athens), European Architectural History Network 2024 Eighth International Conference Programme and Abstracts, Laboratory for the History and Theory of Architecture NTUA, Athens
Statut de publication:Publié, 2024-06-01
Sujet CREF:Architecture et art urbain