par Richaud-Berthoumieu, Lisa 
Référence Going out in Public in Contemporary China: Exposure, Surveillance, Secrecy (20 juin 2023: International Institute for Asian Studies, Leiden)
Publication Non publié, 2023-06-20

Référence Going out in Public in Contemporary China: Exposure, Surveillance, Secrecy (20 juin 2023: International Institute for Asian Studies, Leiden)
Publication Non publié, 2023-06-20
Communication à un colloque
Résumé : | his roundtable brings five China scholars in conversation around public secrecy in contemporary China, and how it shapes the ways in which ordinary Chinese citizens inquire into, and expose ‘sensitive’ (mingan) social realities – from predicaments in the affective present to contested historical events.As the Party-state retains discursive power, be it through the interpretation or silencing of events, how can we track the circulation and forms of the ‘sensitive’? And what do such spaces and representational practices tell us about the experience of ‘going out in public’ in contemporary China? How do people manage the lines between revelation, exposure, or contestation, with what kind of expectations toward the consequentiality of disclosure?From engagements with family photographs to unofficial poetry, or from everyday small talk to digital activism and the circulation of images online, the participants will discuss how seemingly inconsequential practices contribute to the formation of publics and vernacular epistemologies. These, paradoxically, are at once generative and disruptive of the atmospheres of public secrecy resulting from both state-led dynamics and everyday routines. How might the very forms through which ‘unknown knowns’ circulate inflect the referentiality of the signified?At the heart of these discussions is an attempt to refine the language which best describes the specific modes of performativity exerted through clandestine public gestures, while asking how forms of dissemination unfolding under-the-radar might reshape our concept of publicness. |