par Ciambelli, Luca ;G. Leigh, Robert
Référence Nuclear physics. B, 986, 116053
Publication Publié, 2023-01
Référence Nuclear physics. B, 986, 116053
Publication Publié, 2023-01
Article révisé par les pairs
Résumé : | A universal symmetry algebra organizing the gravitational phase space has been recently found. It corresponds to the subset of diffeomorphisms that become physical at corners – codimension-2 surfaces supporting Noether charges. It applies to both finite distance and asymptotic corners. In this paper, we study this algebra and its representations, via the coadjoint orbit method. We show that generic orbits of the universal algebra split into sub-orbits spanned by finite distance and asymptotic corner symmetries, such that the full universal symmetry algebra gives rise to a unified treatment of corners in a manifold. We then identify the geometric structure that captures these algebraic properties on corners, which is the Atiyah Lie algebroid associated to a principal GL(2,R)⋉R2-bundle. This structure is suggestive of the existence of a novel quantum gravitational theory which would unitarily glue such geometric structures, with spacetime geometries appearing as semi-classical configurations. |