Résumé : The harsh and challenging space environment, with the example of the Moon, poses significant obstacles to human exploration. Currently, concepts like human permanence on the Moon, and living modules made with ISRU (In - Situ Recourses Utilization) of raw material, have become less and less utopian and have instead started to be real matter, driven mainly by business plans. The spaceflight paradigm is changed by reducing the need to launch supplies from the Earth, privileging the vanguard of utilising resources in-loco.To mitigate the detrimental effects of these extreme conditions on unmanned space vehicles and human habitats, there is an urgent need to develop materials capable of withstanding such conditions. This research aims to address this need by presenting a series of novel materials specifically designed and produced for lunar and space applications. This, encompasses their production from scratch, including the utilisation of simulant lunar regolith from the highlands for a potential In-Situ Resource Utilization (ISRU) option. To validate their suitability on the Moon environment, samples of materials were incorporated into the wheels of Rashid rover, part of ELM (Emirates Lunar Mission) by MBRSC (Mohammed Bin Rashid Space Center).Prior the mission, an extensive analysis was conducted to characterize mechanical, material, and thermal properties of the materials. Furthermore, advanced detection techniques and image processing were employed to identify key features and structural integrity of the materials, after testing, characterising their reliability and durability on the Moon. The novel materials exhibited remarkable performance in terms of manufacturing techniques, thermal stability, and degradation rate.Overall, this study contributes to the ongoing efforts aimed at enabling habitats for human activity on the Moon. In the prospect of the new era of Moon exploration the utilization of in-situ resources enables humans to make use of the resources available in space, cutting launch costs related to weight. The novel materials presented here offer promising material solutions easy to manufacture and lay the foundation for further advancements in material science and engineering for space exploration. Eventually, this research marked a contribution in the development, characterisation and image analysis for future space structures on the Moon.