Résumé : With precision agriculture developing rapidly worldwide, water-saving, energy-saving, environment-friendly, and efficient agricultural production activities are effective ways to address human needs for agricultural products under the conditions of intensifying climate change, limited available arable land resources, and rapid population growth. Ground-based plant-protection machinery applied to large fields has difficulty solving the pest and disease prevention needs of mountain orchards since they feature undulating topography changes and low standardization of orchards. Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) have broad development prospects in pest control in mountain orchards because of their advantages of not being restricted by terrain, strong maneuverability, and hover ability. This paper reviews the recent development of plant-protection UAVs from three perspectives, i.e., positioning and navigation technology, flight attitude control technology, and route planning in mountain orchards. We highlight that the future research should focus on following technology development, including (1) positioning navigation technology with high positioning accuracy and strong anti-interference capability, (2) intelligent control technology with high dynamic stability and better calculation accuracy, and (3) the optimization of the route-planning algorithm covering multiple constraints and the cluster cooperative operation scheme of plant-protection UAVs applicable to mountain orchards. These reviewed results could provide a reference for the future development of plant-protection UAVs, which will become the focus of future research.