par Désir, Daniel ;Vermylen, Olivier O V
Référence Revue médicale de Bruxelles, 44, page (4-9)
Publication Publié, 2023
Référence Revue médicale de Bruxelles, 44, page (4-9)
Publication Publié, 2023
Article révisé par les pairs
Résumé : | Objectives: One of the aims of this study was to assess the experience of parents and their children during the first confinement of the covid-19 outbreak (03/18/2020 to 05/11/2020) in Brussels, Belgium. Another aim was to evaluate which factors influence the time to presentation to the pediatric emergency room. Methods: By means of a questionnaire, we interviewed the parents of 249 children presenting to the pediatric emergency room of the Saint-Pierre University Hospital during the month of June 2020, therefore just after the first confinement. Results: More than half of the children’s respondents presented with infectious symptoms and a quarter presented for a surgical reason. The fear of being infected by covid or the fear that the child get infected with covid are correlated (Spearman’s coefficient = 0,821, p < 0,001). Parental stress and the fear of being infected by covid or the fear that the child get infected are themselves also significantly correlated. The time to presentation is associated with the type of symptom at admission. We did not observe any impact of parental stress on the time to presentation to the emergency room. Discussion: A third of respondents said they were hesitant to come forward due to concerns about Sars-CoV-2. We distinguish three profiles degree of worry (little worried, moderately worried, highly worried). Forty-two percent of parents noted an impact of the confinement on their child’s behavior and for three quarters of them, it was negative repercussion. Conclusions: Confinement during the Sars-CoV-2 pandemic had an impact on children’s mental and physical health and on parental stress. In order to limit the consequences, it is recommended to inform the parents and their children and to reinforce hygiene and dietary measures. |