par Paul, Elisabeth
;Bourgeois, Marc;Sambiéni, N'koué Emmanuel;Soulemana Abdoulaye, Aminatou
;Sossou, Gilles Armand
;Gnammou, Jacob;Agbeto, Cossi Xavier
Référence European Congress on Global Health (ECTMIH 2023) (13th: 20-23 November 2023: Utrecht)
Publication Non publié, 2023-11-23

Référence European Congress on Global Health (ECTMIH 2023) (13th: 20-23 November 2023: Utrecht)
Publication Non publié, 2023-11-23
Communication à un colloque
Résumé : | Purpose and objective: Like many other Sub-Saharan African countries, Benin has embraced the objective of Universal Health Coverage. To progress towards that objective, the government launched in 2017 a pilot social health insurance scheme, called ARCH. However, its scaling up is lagging, and some design issues – notably regarding its implementing agency and funding mechanism – are still not decided upon. This organised session will bring together researchers from various disciplines enabling to approach the challenges of the development of such an ambitious public health programme under different lenses: socio-anthropology, economics, law, public finance, health systems and policies.Format: Roundtable discussion consisting of a brief introduction, 4 presentations on various aspects of social health insurance development in Benin, followed by debates with the participants (in English and French).Proposed timing: After a quick presentation of the research project and speakers by the chair, Marc Bourgeois (5’), Prof. N’koué Emmanuel Sambiéni will set the scene and explain the importance of adopting a multidisciplinary approach to assess a complex intervention in its context (5’). Then, four speakers will approach the development and implementation of the health insurance in Benin under the lenses of her or his discipline (4 x 10’). After a quick wrap-up (5’), a 30-minute debate will take place with the audience, and take-home messages will be summarised (5’), totalling 90 minutes. |