par Janssen, Catherine
;Swaen, Valérie;Du, Shuili
Référence Journal of business research, 151, page (435-447)
Publication Publié, 2022-11

Référence Journal of business research, 151, page (435-447)
Publication Publié, 2022-11
Article révisé par les pairs
Résumé : | Drawing upon the Brands as Intentional Agents Framework, this study investigates the impact of claim specificity of green advertising on consumers’ reactions toward the brand, and reveals a double-edged effect of claim specificity that depends on the dimensions of the brand’s image (perceived competence/warmth). Through two experiments, we show that the positive effect of claim specificity depends on the brand competence level, and that brand warmth interacts with brand competence, such that claim specificity can backfire and lower consumers’ attitudes and purchase intentions when brand warmth and competence are both low. This interactive effect is serially mediated by the perceived manipulative intent and perceived environmental commitment of the brand. Our research contributes to the literature on corporate social responsibility (CSR) communication by providing a nuanced picture of the effects of claim specificity, and offers guidance for companies on how to communicate more effectively about their CSR activities. |