par Paldino, Gian Marco
;De Stefani, Jacopo
;De Caro, Fabrizio
;Bontempi, Gianluca 
Référence Engineering Proceedings, 5, 1, 36
Publication Publié, 2021-12

Référence Engineering Proceedings, 5, 1, 36
Publication Publié, 2021-12
Article révisé par les pairs
Résumé : | The availability of massive amounts of temporal data opens new perspectives of knowledge extraction and automated decision making for companies and practitioners. However, learning forecasting models from data requires a knowledgeable data science or machine learning (ML) background and expertise, which is not always available to end-users. This gap fosters a growing demand for frameworks automating the ML pipeline and ensuring broader access to the general public. Automatic machine learning (AutoML) provides solutions to build and validate machine learning pipelines minimizing the user intervention. Most of those pipelines have been validated in static supervised learning settings, while an extensive validation in time series prediction is still missing. This issue is particularly important in the forecasting community, where the relevance of machine learning approaches is still under debate. This paper assesses four existing AutoML frameworks (AutoGluon, H2O, TPOT, Auto-sklearn) on a number of forecasting challenges (univariate and multivariate, single-step and multi-step ahead) by benchmarking them against simple and conventional forecasting strategies (e.g., naive and exponential smoothing). The obtained results highlight that AutoML approaches are not yet mature enough to address generic forecasting tasks once compared with faster yet more basic statistical forecasters. In particular, the tested AutoML configurations, on average, do not significantly outperform a Naive estimator. Those results, yet preliminary, should not be interpreted as a rejection of AutoML solutions in forecasting but as an encouragement to a more rigorous validation of their limits and perspectives. |