par Capéau, Bart
Référence The Journal of Economic Inequality, 11, 2, page (237-248)
Publication Publié, 2012-02-28
Article révisé par les pairs
Résumé : A relative invariant and an absolute invariant inequality ordering satisfying extreme bottom-sensitivity, are proposed. It is shown that the leximin social welfare ordering can be expressed in terms of a ranking of distributions on the sole basis of their size, measured by the mean, and the degree of inequality, measured according to these inequality concepts. Leximin thus exhibits extreme bottom-sensitivity. This property does not withstand that leximin prefers a larger size of the cake at the cost of higher inequality in a number of cases. These trade-offs between size and equality are characterised in terms of degrees of dominance of the lower parts of the ordinary and absolute Lorenz curves that are accepted by leximin for a given increase in the mean.