par Jorissen, Alain ;Van Eck, Sophie ;Merle, Thibault ;Van Winckel, Hans
Editeur scientifique Kerschbaum, Franz;Groenewegen, Martin A. T.;Olofsson, Hans
Référence IAU Symposium(343: Wien), Why Galaxies Care About AGB Stars, Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union (343), page (431-433)
Publication Publié, 2019
Publication dans des actes
Résumé : We report on our search for spectroscopic binaries among a sample of AGB stars. Observations were carried out in the framework of the monitoring of radial velocities of (candidate) binary stars performed at the Mercator 1.2m telescope, using the HERMES spectrograph. We found evidence for duplicity in UV Cam, TU Tau, BL Ori, VZ Per, T Dra, and V Hya.