par Deny, Maud
;Arroba Nuñez, Luis Alexis
;Romano, Márta
;Denis, Olivier
;Casimir, Georges
;Chamekh, Mostafa 
Référence Scientific Reports, 12, 1
Publication Publié, 2022-10-12

Référence Scientific Reports, 12, 1
Publication Publié, 2022-10-12
Article révisé par les pairs
Résumé : | Abstract While number of studies have shown that biological sex is a risk factor in the incidence and severity of infection-induced inflammatory diseases, the underlying mechanisms are still poorly understood. In this study, we compared the innate inflammatory response in male and female mice with group B streptococcal (GBS)-induced pneumoniae. Although male and female mice displayed similar bacterial burdens, males exhibited more innate inflammatory cytokines and chemokines and a higher proportion of infiltrating monocytes/macrophages. The analysis of the distribution of macrophage subtypes M1 (pro-inflammatory) versus M2 (anti-inflammatory) yielded a higher M1/M2 ratio in infected males compared with females. Given the importance of the chromosome X-linked microRNA-223-3p (miR-223-3p) in modulating the inflammatory process and macrophage polarization, we investigated its potential contribution in sex bias of GBS-induced innate inflammatory response. Knock-down of miR-223-3p with specific antagomiR resulted in increased inflammatory response and higher M1/M2 ratio following GBS infection. Notably, compared to male mice, we detected higher amount of miR-223-3p in macrophages from females that correlated negatively with M1 phenotype. These results suggest that differential expression of miR-233-3p may impact macrophage polarization, thereby contributing to fine-tune sex differences in inflammatory response. |