par Sanei, Mohsen
;Khodadad, Mina
;Calonge Reillo, Fernando
Référence Figshare
Publication Publié, 2022-08-11

Référence Figshare
Publication Publié, 2022-08-11
Partie d'un rapport
Résumé : | A comprehensive list of factors that affect the sustainability of urban housing is provided in a table, based on a systematic review of the recent Scopus-indexed literature (2015-2020). This table is presented in complete form (with a full list of references) as a supplementary file to an article (part of the first author’s Ph.D. thesis) which is currently in press by Springer (Book Series: Proceedings in Earth and Environmental Sciences; a preprint URL is available). A total number of 118 journal articles, conference papers, and book sections are studied from all over the world (full-text review) to extract the indicators that, according to authors, affect the sustainability of urban houses. The factors are made by combining the related indicators together and are prioritized based on the number of references in which they are mentioned (out of a total of 118). This list can be used in research regarding the sustainability of urban houses and other connected subjects to see the priorities based on the trends in the recent literature. |